Thursday, January 29, 2009

Stories and Questions

One quote I heard recently has really made a difference in my life and in talking to fellow believers, non-believers, and to those whom have not brought up a question of religion. It is a simple thing to think about and it seems that it really works.

"Pastors are known to give [sermons and answers.] But Jesus gave [stories and questions.]"

It's funny sometimes how our world can be dismayed by a simple statement such as: an answer is the best response. Sometimes I feel that people actually learn more from questions than they do answers. If it is something they ask themselves, they give themselves the answer, which I feel sometimes - in relation to faith - is more convicting.

So anytime you stumble into a non-believer or a struggling Christ follower, instead of mounting up answers - which is good - make them question their own faith. Does what they believe work? And at the same time, be knowledgeable of what they know too, because in this, you can truly give stories and questions.

"Again he said, 'What shall we say the kingdom of God is like, or what parable shall we use to describe it? It is like a mustard seed, which is the smallest seed you plant in the ground. Yet when planted, it grows and becomes the largest of all garden plants, with such big branches that the birds of the air can perch in its shade.' With many similar parables Jesus spoke the word to them, as much as they could understand. He did not say anything to them without using a parable. But when he was alone with his own disciples, he explained everything." - Mark 4:30-34.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Prayer Request of the Month - January 09

This months prayer request goes out to a person whom I have recently met, yet seem to know a lot about in terms of her walk with Christ. In fact, after a long discussion, it seems clear to me that God has become an [undecided] part of her life. I feel that that is a tough thing for someone to go through, and this month if you'll pray along with me that she will eventually seek the Truth and see God's majesty and existence. I have been through that once before, and it is something that needs prayer and support constantly. God bless!

"If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer." - Matthew 21:22.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Goodbye Bush; Hello Obama

Tonight after watching the Presidential Farewell Address, it made me think about how tough of a time George Bush had as President. Not only was he at an early start when 9/11 occurred, but there have been many economic downfalls in his time. Many blame him for this; I personally disagree. We must think in the perspective that God allows things to happen in His mind of what is best. Because He truly knows best. And in that He gives us the gift of free will and choice, and that is where we screw up. So maybe there is a reason that all of this happened. Indeed there were more deaths during the American Civil War than this one we are in by far, so why did Bush receive more criticism than encouragement? That is why I feel that - although I was for McCain - Obama does deserve love from the citizens and a supported term.

And in the end, think that it is God's will to allow Obama to be President. So in this year, as Bush leaves and Obama takes office, let us pray for our nation, President and government that God will give us guidance and that His plans will be beneficial to the American society and our world and its corruption. And in hope that we can provide accountability and kindness to the ones against us, and maybe - just maybe - there doesn't have to be all of these conflicts. Maybe we the American citizens - or wherever you are in the world - can spiritually, emotionally, mentally and in action, give Obama our trust and support as he will be taking on the most difficult job in the country. God bless Obama, Bush and America!

Saturday, January 10, 2009


A very short chapter, but probably one of the most confusing and - at the same time - comforting as it very well relates to who we are as humans and how we react to God's callings. Basically, in this four chapter book of the Bible, it talks about how God brings this large calling upon a man named Jonah. Now Jonah has a background of anger and disobedience problems, so when God calls him to minister to the city of Nineveh - one of the most ungodly cities in the Bible - what do you think Jonah did?

Now as it is, Jonah flees the Lord's calling by trekking to sea and fails in the process as God brings upon him mighty waves that sweep him over and he is swallowed by a huge fish. In this, he is humbled and realizes that truly [running from God only leads to failure, even if the failure is glory.] One may ask, how is Jonah getting glory by sitting in a belly of a fish? Hey, he has his own book in the Bible right? So I feel personally that the significance is that maybe there are people out there who do ungodly things - such as steal, oppose God, trade drugs, live explicit lifestyles, believe in racism, etc. - and are glorified for them in a way that they are encouraged through the things they do. Normally, when a bully picks on a younger kid, the bully's friends will praise him for what he has done, but they probably who reject him if he one day turned around and was nice to the younger boy. But think in this perspective, what kind of actions could the bully show to the young boy, and what actions will truly bring satisfaction?

So now that Jonah feels guilty, he listens to the Lord the second time around - which shows that God is a God of second chances; hence why he sent Jesus. Jonah then goes and ministers to the Ninevites, despite having doubts, he accomplished revealing God's glory and God was merciful to that nation. All ends well? Not exactly. You might think Jonah was happy that God's plan worked, but he was actually angry towards God for not obliterating that nation full of corruption and sin; and then... The End.
So what does this story resemble to you? If my summarization wasn't the greatest, take a look at it for yourself. It is quite a neat chapter. But what I got out of it basically lie in these five words: doubt, listening, calling, opinion and action.

In relation to doubt, I have been reading recently a work of John Ortberg known as Faith and Doubt, which he talks about why having faith will bring doubt, and having doubt builds faith. It is really cool, but all I need to say about doubt in relation to Jonah is that Jonah doubted the plan God had for him, and when he do that, we obviously fail. Because God's plan is better than ours.

Now as for listening and calling, God does call us to great things - if you are open and listening to Him. And back to the fact that God's plan is better than ours, it is true because when we listen to Him and His calling, we are going to be apart of great work. If you do have doubts about listening to God though, think about this: has God's plan ever failed? If so, why? But in my general perspective of God, He is so majestic and powerful that even if we [think] He failed, He most likely didn't and we're just dumb.

And concluding with opinion and action, our opinion of what God does will not always be satisfying. Truly, Jonah wasn't happy with what God did, but that is because God is just. And it is tough for us as humans to establish our lives on justice, and that is why we may never actually see God's work eye-to-eye. But as for actions, Jonah ran from God's first calling but lived up to the second. Problem is that he not only fulfilled God's calling, but he wasted time beforehand. Just imagine if Jonah listened to God's calling the first time? What would've been different? These questions all apply to our lives; and as Jonah relates to our daily walk, try and ask yourself this: Am I truly listening and obeying God's calling?
And maybe - just maybe - we aren't all that different from Jonah when it comes to listening to God's calling. But that is why God is a God of second chances.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Book Update - January

Believe it or not I have begun writing my book on the messages of 1 Samuel. For now I have only accomplished simple beginnings such as the forward and table of contents, but I am actually pretty sure that this may work out. Thanks for all of the support and especially a large thanks to my proofreaders and helpers! Hope the New Year is well!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Verse of the Month - January 09

"For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men. It teaches us to say 'No' to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age,"
- Titus 2:11-12.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Why Africa?

As it is now 2009, it seems that I have been thinking of what God will have planned for me in this next year. It is something you should always think about, and one thing I feel God has been putting on my heart in the past few months has been Africa.

It all started last summer when I watched what is now my favorite movie, Blood Diamond. The entire view it portrayed of Africa opened my heart to something only God could have put there, and since then I have hoped highly to go there someday. And it seems as of now that that dream has come true.

Our church will be doing a missions trip to Zambia this summer, and right away I knew it was for me. So on top of just watching Darfur Now; seeing Hotel Rwanda this past fall and reading many things about African cultures, it seems that God has picked Africa to be in my life this coming year.

So what has God put on your heart in 2009?